@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000570, author = {淺羽, 茂 and 欅田, 栄二 and Asaba, Shigeru and Kunugita, Eiji}, issue = {3}, journal = {學習院大學經濟論集, The journal of Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, We studied family firms in the Japanese electric machinery industry. First, we compared firm performance between family and non-family firms, and found that family firms show higher profitability. Second, we tried to distinguish among reasons for better performance of family firms. The results of several t-tests and regression analyses suggest that selecting top management from the pool restricted to the family is not an important disadvantage of family firms. They also suggest that neither combining ownership and control nor holding large equity share is the advantage of family firms. On the other hand, family firms in the sample invest in capacity significantly more than non-family firms in the 1990s. Therefore, longer investment horizons of family firms may be the reason for better performance, especially during the low growth era.}, pages = {181--201}, title = {Family Ownership, Investment Behavior, and Firm Performance : Evidence from Japanese Electric Machinery Industry}, volume = {44}, year = {2007}, yomi = {アサバ, シゲル and クヌギタ, エイジ} }