@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005616, author = {良永, 朋実 and Yoshinaga, Tomomi}, issue = {9}, journal = {学習院大学国際センター研究年報, The annual bulletin of the International Centre, Gakushuin University}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this paper is to clarify what plurilingual speakers feel in selecting a language to use and what meaning they find in each of the languages they can speak. A semi-structured interview was conducted with a plurilingual speaker who had studied Japanese in Belgium and had experience studying abroad in Japan ("Speaker A"). The interview reveals that, in each of the languages she speaks, Speaker A finds practicality and, at the same time, the meaning as "a language to connect with someone or something" in a community. In other words, Speaker A consciously uses different languages depending on the community to which she believes she belongs or wishes to belong. In addition, Speaker A's narratives contained the expression of "languages for expressing myself". This means that any language, including Japanese, is essential for her to express herself today. Speaker A also suggested that the words that she uses in different languages complemented each other. Finally, it became clear that Speaker A also finds each language she uses helpful for self-actualization., 論説(Articles)}, pages = {29--40}, title = {複言語話者が持つ言語選択への意識と使用言語の意味 : ベルギーで日本語を学ぶ複言語話者Aの語りから見えてきたもの}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ヨシナガ, トモミ} }