@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004804, author = {竹田, 由花子 and Takeda, Yukako}, issue = {27}, journal = {学習院大学人文科学論集, Gakushuin University studies in humanities}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, It’s considered about the quotation from “Isemonogatari” Chapter49 in Chapter “Agemaki” by the main subject. “Isemonogatri” chapter 49 are the story which makes closely related love remember. This is quoted in the situation Nionomiya is close to Onnaichinomiya his elder sister.There are second singularities of the “Isemonogatari” quotation . The first, other works are quoted in the story picture in the story. Nionomiya approaches Onnaichinomiya his elder sister,make it agency. The second, the book that she was seeing and the present book of “Isemonogatari”.In a book of “Isemonogatari” that she was seeing, a man tells a koto to my younger sister.but the present book of “Isemonogatari” aren’t included the contents. In this thesis, considered about the problem and the sequel of “genjimonogatari”.}, pages = {99--124}, title = {「総角」巻における『伊勢物語』四十九段引用}, year = {2018}, yomi = {タケダ, ユカコ} }