@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004362, author = {金子, 元 and Kaneko, Hajime}, issue = {4}, journal = {学習院大学国際研究教育機構研究年報, The annual bulletin of the Global Exchange Organization for Research and Education, Gakushuin University}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Gakushuin was established as a school of the kazoku( noblemen) in the Meiji era and developed from the Kazoku-kaikan, an organization committed to the acquisition of knowledge for the peers in the upper house of parliament. However, some believed that it was undesirable for the kazoku to participate in politics. This paper proposes that the establishment of Gakushuin and the transition of its educational system was representative of the conflicting views on the nobility and provides further analysis on this proposal.}, pages = {24--46}, title = {黎明期学習院の学制変遷と華族像の競合 : 華族会館設立から学習院第一次改革まで―}, year = {2018}, yomi = {カネコ, ハジメ} }