@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003616, author = {平井, 花 and Hirai, Hana}, issue = {15}, journal = {人文}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では、基本感情に基づく主観的感情特性尺度の作成を試みた。研究1 の調査1 の質問紙調査では(Time1: N = 192, Time2: N = 324)、他の感情特性尺度(DES-IV)および感情状態・感情調節・回復力尺度との相関・偏相関から妥当性が、1 か月後の同尺度との相関、α 係数および確認的因子分析から、信頼性の確認がなされた。また調査2 の質問紙調査(N = 118)では、LOC(Locus of Control)はDES-IV の怒りと嫌悪感との間に正の相関が認められた一方、主観的感情特性尺度との間に相関は認められず、尺度の弁別的妥当性が確認された。研究2 では携帯を用いた調査によって予測的妥当性の検証がなされ(N = 134)、主観的感情特性尺度が日々の生活の中で感じられる感情を予測することが示唆された。一連の調査から、信頼性・妥当性のある感情特性尺度が作成されたことが確認された。This study developed a subjective affective trait scale (SATS) based on basic emotions and examined its reliability and validity. In Research1 of Study1 (Time1: N = 192, Time2: N = 299), SATS had positive correlations with each of affective traits (DES-IV) and emotional states, happiness of SATS had positive correlations with resilience and reappraisal, and negative emotions of SATS negatively related with emotion regulation. The partial correlations between SATS and the other variables were analyzed, using DES-IV as the control variables. The results showed that surprise, sadness, anger, and disgust of SATS were negatively correlated with emotion regulation. These results indicated that it had sufficient convergent validity. In Research2 (N = 118), LOC (Locus of Control) had negative correlations with sadness, anger, and disgust of DES-IV, whereas it had positive and negative correlations with happiness and surprise of SATS and these indicated that SATS had sufficient discriminant validity. In addition, Cronbach’s αs, test-retest reliabilities, and confirmatory factor analysis indicated SATS’ acceptable reliability. In Study2 (N = 134), SATS predicted emotional states in daily life and it showed that it had sufficient predictive validity. From a se ries of studies, the reliability and validity of SATS were demonstrated.}, pages = {83--97}, title = {主観的感情特性尺度の作成1), 2) : 基本感情に基づく感情特性尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヒライ, ハナ} }