@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003492, author = {小原, 佳那子 and Kohara, Kanako}, issue = {2}, journal = {学習院大学国際研究教育機構研究年報, The annual bulletin of the Global Exchange Organization for Research and Education, Gakushuin University}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, In this paper, we consider the function of the “dake-no-koto-wa-aru” in the conventional format. The result is that dake-no-koto-wa-aru reveals the speaker’s high estimation of the properties and features marked by it. It is believed that the phrase is manifested as a natural consequence, where the speaker indicates that the event which arises is recognized as the speaker is a high degree. It was revealed that it is even possible to use the phrase without understanding the general and social norms and contexts of the dake-no-koto-wa-aru and the nature and characteristics marked by it.}, pages = {78--88}, title = {「だけのことはある」の意味機能}, year = {2016}, yomi = {コハラ, カナコ} }