@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002465, author = {藤井, 勉 and Fujii, Tsutomu}, issue = {9}, journal = {人文}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は、公正研究における交互作用モデルが教育場面でも当てはまるのかを検討することであった。210 名の大学生を対象に、レポートに対する評価と、採点方法の手続き的公正を操作した場面想定法を用いて、質問紙実験を行った。教員への信頼を従属変数とした分散分析の結果、独立変数である手続き的公正と評価の交互作用が認められた (F (1,206)=5.83,p <.05)。本研究の結果は、仮説の一部を支持するものであり、教育場面への応用可能性が示された。最後に、本研究の限界と今後の課題について議論した。, The purpose of this study was to examine whether an interaction model of fairness is applicable to the educational situation. Two-hundred and ten university undergraduate students participated in a hypothetical scenario experiment manipulated variables consisting of evaluation of a report task and procedural fairness of report scoring. Analyses of variance were conducted to investigate differences in trust of teachers between students with high and low scores on each of the procedural fairness/evaluation scenarios(F(1, 206)=5.83, p<.05). The results partly supported the authors’ hypothesis that would be observed interaction between procedural fairness and evaluation. In addition, it was suggested that the interaction model may possibly be applicable to the educational situation. Finally, the limitations of this study and future problems are discussed., 研究論文}, pages = {55--62}, title = {大学生を対象とした手続き的公正と評価の交互作用モデルの検討}, year = {2011}, yomi = {フジイ, ツトム} }