@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002936, author = {金児, 正史 and Kaneko, Masafumi}, issue = {10}, journal = {学習院大学教職課程年報}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, This paper outlines the theory and practice of ICT utilization in line with the attainment objectives of the core curriculum for teaching conducted at this university, and also shows actual mock lessons conducted by the students using ICT. Most of the students who attended this lecture had just started taking lectures in the teacher training course subjects. However, through this lecture, the students accurately grasped the advantages and disadvantages of the class support software, and accurately developed teaching materials and teaching tools utilizing ICT based on the unit of school subjects., 授業研究}, pages = {73--83}, title = {教職科目「ICT活用の理論と実践」の講義概要とその結果}, year = {2024}, yomi = {カネコ, マサフミ} }