@article{oai:glim-re.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001637, author = {桑尾, 光太郎 and Kuwao, Kotaro}, issue = {3}, journal = {学習院大学人文科学論集, Gakushuin University studies in humanities}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, The Socialist Realism, which was proposed in the Soviet Union as a literary theory, was recognized in Japan as a guide of wrlting for authors of proletarian literature after the disbandment of the NALP(the association of Japanese pfoletarian literature authors)in 1934. Nevertheless, the failure to consider the difference of social gysteins between the Soviet Union and Japan caused the original concept of proletarian literature to be transformed intQ a new concept-namely the‘‘intentional ignorance of reality”. KAMIYAMA SHIGEO and ITO TEISUKE criticized Socialist Realism from the aspect of communist reformational movement and proposed Revolutionary Realism as the slogan of their literary movement. Contrary MORIYAMA KEI argued against their idea in order to supPort the proletarian idea of‘‘class originality’,.   This controversy’s main issue was the emphasis on“politics or literature”-whether the proletarian literary movement should emphasize its political aspect to promote socialism or instead should purely consider its existence as a Iiterary movement. Despite the public readers’requests for clarification, the controversy ended without any results.   Consequently, Soclalist Realism caused the authors of proletarian literature to disregard political aspects alld led to the disbandment of the proletariall literary movement in Japan. This was the main factor for the failure of proletarian literature of play any significant role in the Popular Front in Japan from 1935 to 1936.}, pages = {37--64}, title = {社会主義リアリズム論争 : ナルプ解体後におけるプロレタリア文学運動}, year = {1994}, yomi = {クワオ, コウタロウ} }